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Mission Statement

To ensure that Green Run Collegiate students have equitable opportunities, experiences and resources to successfully achieve their career and educational goals.


Our Students

Our Success

Consider this important fact: Every single GRC graduate has obtained acceptance or admission to college, a specific vocational program or the military. GRC has the highest graduation rate of any of the public high schools in Virginia Beach. The school recently earned both the Virginia Department of Education 2019 Virginia Index of Performance Award and the Highest Achievement Exemplar Award for its achievements in meeting benchmarks and closing achievement gaps. In fact, GRC is one of only five high schools statewide to earn both awards.

Why Support GRC?

Ours is a public charter school. We focus on removing barriers to high achievement by employing such strategies as smaller class sizes, field experiences, internships and project based learning. Enrollment in GRC’s International Baccalaureate (IB) program is accomplished through a lottery system rather than a traditional application process.


This approach has provided a more democratic access to the renowned IB curriculum. Over and over again our students, who were selected for their interest and motivation rather than academic performance alone, have proved they have the grit and determination to navigate a curriculum that has been recognized worldwide as intellectually demanding.

We are proud of our students. They are motivated, eager to learn and very aware Green Run Collegiate (GRC) offers them unique learning opportunities. Collectively, they prove that commitment and hard work are the determining factors for achievement and not what you look like, how affluent your family is or whether or not you have a disability. The demographic breakdown of our school is: 40% African American; 30% Caucasian; 13% two or more races; 9% Hispanic; 1% American Indian and 1% Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian. In addition, 50% come from socioeconomically disadvantaged homes. We cite these statistics because we know that student diversity strengthens and enlivens GRC’s learning environment.

You CAN make a difference

I got involved with the Foundation when my oldest daughter attended GRC. I saw first hand the amazing positive impact the teachers and the administration had on not only my daughter, but many of her classmates as well. The time and dedication the staff provides is only part of the magic, the second part is the love they have for their students. That’s not to say that other teachers in the community don’t love their students, because they do. The reason GRC is different from other schools is the love they share is shown in the belief they have for their students. Having an adult other than a family member believe in you is wonderful. Having multiple adults believe in you and your success is empowering. The staff at GRC believes in every students’ future! They believe that no matter your socio-economic background, every student at GRC deserves the opportunity to achieve greatness. Every student deserves an opportunity to have an equitable education. A belief system so strong, that teachers and staff members go out of their way, and on their own time, to sit with a student in need so the student doesn’t have to be alone. You can’t teach someone how to believe. But you can find the best believers, place them in a school, and let them share their gifts with the students and watch love grow. That is why GRC is important to me. The staff and administration deserve to have their stories told. They deserve to have the community believe in them.


Jason Nichols, Marketing Director, Board Member, Parent

You CAN make a difference

Our goal is to raise the funds necessary to underwrite the testing fees and to expand the opportunities for students.


1700 Dahlia Dr #400

Virginia Beach, VA 23453

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